Nurse Delegation

Nursing Assistants and Home Care Aides are allowed to perform certain tasks normally performed by a licensed nurse when they become certified by a Nurse Delegation training program. As a nurse delegated member of a care team, your role as a caregiver can expand to include tasks such as administering prescription medications and blood glucose testing.

The Nurse Delegation classes we offer are self-study and a Registered Nurse instructor is available as a resource to you as you complete your materials. The hours assigned to these courses can be applied to your continuing education requirements. If you have completed a Nursing Assistant Certified training program

the same year that you complete the Nurse Delegation classes, your Nurse Delegation training hours can be applied to the following year’s continuing education requirements.

The cost of the 9-hour self-study core Nurse Delegation class is $45.00.

Nurse Delegation Special Focus on Diabetes

This 3-hour self-study course can be taken after the completion of the 9-hour Nurse Delegation course. The Special Focus on Diabetes prepares you to perform insulin injections.

The cost of the 3-hour self-study Diabetes course is $30.00.